Investing Details
We Do the Heavy Lifting
Axos Invest Managed Portfolios build, monitor, and automatically rebalance a diversified portfolio based on your goals.

Fees and Features
It’s important to understand not just how much you’ll pay but also what features you’ll have with an investment account. Check out how Axos Invest stacks up against the competition.*
| Betterment Basic Portfolio | Wealthfront Basic Portfolio | Fidelity Go Basic Portfolio | |
Advisory fees | 0.24% | 0.25% | 0.25% | Up to 0.35% |
Account minimum | $500 | $0 | $500 | $10 |
Tax-loss harvesting | ||||
Unlimited and automatic rebalancing | ||||
Number of asset classes | Over 30 | Up to 14 | Up to 11 | 6 to 8 |
Exclude ETFs from portfolio to avoid wash sales | ||||
Ability to choose individual asset classes | ||||
Taxable account | ||||
Traditional IRA | ||||
Roth IRA |
Betterment, Wealthfront and Fidelity Go are not affiliated with Axos Bank. Competitor's information obtained from their websites.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there an account minimum?
The account minimum for Axos Invest Managed Portfolios is $500.
How will I be charged?
Your 0.24% annual advisory fee is calculated monthly based on your account's invested asset balance on the last day of the month and will automatically be deducted from your account.
What types of investment accounts are available?
We offer Individual Personal Investment Accounts, Roth IRA accounts, and Traditional IRA accounts.
Can I withdraw money from my investment account?
Yes, you can withdraw money from your taxable investment account at any time. However, there may be fees for withdrawing from an IRA or nontaxable account.
Do you offer goal setting support?
We let you set financial goals -- like building an emergency fund or a down payment for a new home -- and the timelines to meet them. We help automate each goal by suggesting deposit plans, rebalancing your investments, and tracking your progress.
Invest and chill.
We'll monitor your portfolio with you.