Managed Portfolios
Invest in the Present.
Love Your Future.
Why choose Managed Portfolios? Low management fees. Easy set up. Personalized goal setting. Access to IRAs. No previous investing experience necessary.

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Build portfolios to your specifications.
When you create an Axos Invest account, we’ll recommend an investment portfolio that optimally weighs your time horizon, desired amount of risk, and potential return. All to determine your preferred investment strategy.
Combine your vision with our precision.
Precise and nimble Managed Portfolios may be automated, but that doesn’t mean we can’t adapt. In addition to rebalancing, when you update your information or goals, we adjust your portfolio to help you progress toward your goals.
The Power of Passive Investing
Investing is all about planning ahead and creating a better future. Simply log in to your Managed Portfolios account to stay up to date with your progress and adjust your risk tolerance, personal information, or timeline.

So you want to start investing, but you don't know where to begin? You are not alone. A study by the FINRA Investor Foundation found that only 32% of Americans are investing money outside of their retirement accounts. And more than two in five working Americans are not saving any money for retirement. Axos Invest Managed Portfolios was designed with a simple, user-friendly and automated investment platform. Investing is all about planning ahead and creating a better future. It's about saving for a wedding, buying a car, moving into a new home, having a baby or sending your kid to college, while having enough money for retirement. We ask you a few questions to learn about who you are and to get a better idea of your financial goals. You tell us how much you want to contribute and how often, and then we go to work constructing an investment profile. Log into your Managed Portfolios account to see your milestone progress or to adjust your risk tolerance, personal info or timeline. Managed Portfolios. Invest in the present, love your future.
Account Balance
Estimated Total
Monthly Cost
The less you spend on investment fees, the more money you’ll have to invest. That’s why Axos Invest charges a 0.24% annual advisory fee compared to the 1.0% annual advisory fee charged by many traditional advisors.*
Weddings, new homes, and retirement. Oh my!
Plan for both short- and long-term goals. Whether you’re planning for a vacation, saving for a down payment on a home, or building an emergency fund, we’ll guide you to set up your investment strategy. Then we’ll help you determine how much you can save for retirement and set your investment goals in an individual automated investment account or a Traditional or Roth IRA.
Invest Better, Bank Smarter
Open an Axos Bank Rewards Checking account and unlock up to 3.30% APY!1 Upgrade your banking experience with zero overdraft fees and zero monthly maintenance fees.
Invest and chill.
We'll monitor your portfolio with you.